Are You Planning to Expand Your Coffee Shop? Here Are 4 Pointers

coffee in a cup

It was way back in 1475 when the first coffee shop in the world opened. The name of the cafe was Kiva Han and was opened in Constantinople, which we know now as Istanbul. It is remarkable how people came up with such a business idea that still operates today. Coffee shops are everywhere these days. You can see them at the corner of the street, and some are located on the first floor of your apartment building.

Some coffee businesses don’t even need a shop to operate. Coffee trailers have become so trendy that we see them located at parks, near a university, and everywhere with many people coming by. The popularity of coffee shops comes from the reason that 79% of the population drink coffee.

Need for Coffee

An average person can consume almost one thousand cups of coffee a year. People drink coffee for the caffeine that increases their energy levels. Coffee is also good to improve your brain productivity and your body’s metabolism. Apart from the physical benefit the coffee gives you, it also gives you a sense of satisfaction whenever you take a sip.

The demand for coffee is increasing every day, thus, prompting entrepreneurs to start their own coffee business. Current coffee shops are also planning to expand their business to go along with the increasing demand for more coffee. Franchising is a great way to expand your business. Hundreds of coffee shops are brimming with ideas for expanding their shop but fail because of shallow plans.

To successfully franchise your coffee business, here are some points you might want to consider:

1. Check the Location

Studying your next franchise location is essential to make sure your business won’t fail. Picking a hot spot that gathers many crowds and potential customers is a great way to start your franchise. Good locations are necessary to build a brand reputation and secure your business success.

2. Buy a Commercial Property

Having your own property to remodel and create your own space is advantageous. Business people consider buying a property or a space to build their shops instead of renting. Although renting a property can save you a few bucks, for now, you need to think about the future if you’re in the business industry.

In the long run, renting a property can actually cost you a lot more than buying one in the first place. If you own the property, you no longer have to worry about the monthly rent for the place and focus on your business instead. Buying commercial property may cost you, but it pays you back tenfold.

Keep in mind that when you buy commercial property, make sure to claim the capital allowance. This will help you pay less tax and gain more profit for your business. You can consult a capital allowance specialist to help you with this matter.

coffee shop

3. Atmosphere is Important

Coffee shops are places where people go to relax and read a book. It is also a place packed with students having a study group or just hanging out with their friends. Some people are drawn to coffee shops because of its vibe and how good it looks in the photos. Creating a great atmosphere in your shop is a way to attract more customers.

People want something unique, something they’ve never seen before and can talk to their friends about. Design your shop in a way that awes people and makes them want to come back again. You should also invest in furniture that gives your customers the best comfort. You can display books and other items that entice your customers.

Have a good playlist on your speaker that creates a cozy vibe for everyone — something that is not too loud and distracting. Latte arts are also a great way to attract customers to have something to post on their social media accounts. The more they post about your coffee shop, the more your brand reputation levels up.

4. Prioritize Quality

The quality of a business is what people look out for, whether it’s your service or your products. Invest in high-quality equipment for your coffee shop that produces the best coffee brew anyone could have. Offering delectable dishes and top-notch customer service increases your business’s quality.

Loyalty cards are also great to gain regular customers. Loyalty cards include discounts and promos you can give your customers. With these perks, a lot of your customers might apply for membership, increasing your brand reputation.

The coffee business can be tough to handle, but the profit pays you back for your efforts. Investing in an expansion can help you learn many things about the bigger business industry and give you an idea of what to do in your next franchise.

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