Consider These Six Business Ventures in 2021

businessman working

COVID-19’s impact is truly wide-ranging and far-reaching: from closed down hotels and resorts in the Asian countries to the tremendous job losses in the U.S. and Europe. During the onset of the pandemic in China, the worldwide supply chain took a massive hit, while some 3.28 million American workers found themselves unemployed during the closing weeks of March 2020.

But while these data may be enough to dampen other peoples’ spirits, there are still many who choose to keep a positive outlook. If you’re among individuals aiming to open your own business next year, here are six business ventures that you should put on your list:


  1. Elderly care services.

    The US Census Bureau projected that by 2030, elderly people in the country might outnumber children. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans became increasingly mindful of their health and wellness, which put healthcare workers in the spotlight. This means that come 2021, a business venture related to providing elderly care is a great avenue that you should tread.

  2. Automotive shop.

    One thing that OCIVD-19 made people realize is just how safer it is to travel in a personal car than to take public transportation. This is why there is an increasing demand for personal or family vehicles among those who can afford to buy one. Thus, another excellent business option for 2021 is an automotive shop. You’ll need a team of vehicle skilled mechanics, a nice shop located in a great spot, and a complete set of auto shop equipment to start taking in customers next year.

  3. e-commerce.

    As mentioned previously, one of the few bright spots during the height of the ongoing pandemic crisis was the steady income of online sellers. While this business platform is not new, it took on quite a strong stance as COVID-19 ravaged businesses worldwide. And since there are strong indications that the current situation will continue well throughout 2021, then setting up an e-commerce business is something you must consider.

  4. Remote work.

    As companies chose to transfer their operations into the digital realm, a career as a remote worker is a great venture to try out in 2021. The good news is that you won’t easily run out of options when it comes to remote work: you have the possibility of landing a job as an online teacher, copywriter, virtual assistant, online bookkeeper, translator, or transcriptionist. A lot of these remote work options pay handsomely, and you stand to enjoy awesome perks like working in your pajamas and earning your keep without exposing yourself to potential COVID-19 transmission.
    analyrics on laptop

  5. Courier services.

    As the pandemic caused quite a scare among millions of people, courier services went laughing all the way to the banks. What was initially a highly competitive business became an overnight success story as millions opted to buy the things they need online, so they won’t have to risk going out of their homes. Even as COVID-19 vaccines are gradually becoming available, it would still take some time before the most vulnerable individuals get the doses needed. This only means that the same group of people would most likely continue having their purchases delivered to them via courier.

  6. Food truck business.

    There have been a lot of areas across the country that have eased restrictions on peoples’ movements and activities, which included businesses gradually re-opening. As restaurants and diners are still operating on a limited capacity, a great business alternative is a food truck. With it, you won’t have to worry about serving a limited number of customers at any given time. You can practically serve hundreds of paying customers each day just as long as social distancing and other health precautions are observed.

While many businesses did close shop at the height of the pandemic, online selling or e-commerce actually did fare quite well throughout the crisis. Silver linings such as this pushed a lot of business-minded individuals to do some forward-planning as 2021 draws near.

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