5 Digital Marketing Solutions: How to Scale Your Real Estate Business amid a Pandemic

digital marketing

The COVID-19 crisis has affected various industries worldwide. This includes the real estate market. It seems that buying and selling properties is the least concern of people during a pandemic. But while the real estate market has slowed down a bit, it has no sign of stopping. Hence, real estate brokers, realtors, and agents must take robust steps in marketing their properties.

The good news is that the internet has changed the way people pursue real estate transactions. Individuals can research properties online, perform virtual walk-throughs, and negotiate with agents. They can even go as far as applying for a mortgage loan via digital platforms. On the other side of the spectrum, you can take advantage of the web to market your business and promote your properties.

Here are five digital marketing solutions to scale your real estate business during a pandemic:

1. Optimize your real estate website

It’s easy for people to search online when looking for potential properties in a certain location. Gone are the days when people would have to go from one place to another. Today, people simply log in online and visit websites for property listings, which has become more apparent during the pandemic.

If you’re a real estate broker or agent, pay attention to your website and ensure it works wonders for your business. Here are a few considerations to make:

  • Incorporate responsive web design so your site is optimized for mobile devices.
  • Have a well-structured site with streamlined elements.
  • Use high-quality photos and videos for your listed properties.
  • Include calls to action so potential buyers will be guided.
  • Add clients’ positive reviews and testimonials.

2. Increase your online visibility

It’s one thing to optimize your website; it’s another to boost its web presence. It’s not enough that you create a visually appealing and highly functional website. You must ensure that potential clients easily and quickly find your site.

The key here is to implement a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. Your goal is to ensure that your site gets the top ranking in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). Start by optimizing your website for your technical SEO. Next, write valuable pieces of content with the integration of relevant keywords. Lastly, build your backlinks to ensure you establish your site authority.

Don’t forget to optimize your site and content for the local search as well. For instance, if you’re a realtor, make sure the locals will find your promising properties.

3. Produce and post valuable content

A very crucial aspect of your real estate marketing is to create relevant pieces of content. Once produced, post them on your website and social media channels. Why? People are looking for updates in real estate amidst the global pandemic. As such, you must keep them informed and updated. Here are a few content pieces you can publish:

  • Blog posts about your properties
  • Articles on safety guidelines on open houses and property viewing
  • Infographics on the real estate market
  • Promotional photos and video clips of your real estate properties.

4. Market via social media

social media

In this time and age, social media is a powerful tool marketing tool. Know that people live and breathe on social media channels, whether Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Also, think of how people get stuck at home and get hooked up online. Most people use their social media accounts to interact with others and conduct business transactions.

If you want to promote your real estate properties, use social media. You can create Facebook ads to target your audience. You can also use Instagram to post and promote your properties. Even the use of hashtags allows you to reach out to your target clients on Twitter.

5. Provide virtual tours

The global pandemic limits face-to-face interactions or encourages social distancing. This pandemic has a serious implication in the real estate market. How can you allow property viewings among your potential clients? That is where virtual tours come into the picture.

A virtual open house provides interested clients with an immersive virtual experience. Your clients can have a preview of your property, both its interiors and exteriors. They can have a glimpse of your living space, kitchen, bathroom, and even bedroom.

Hence, this virtual reality eliminates the time, money, and effort in visiting your property. It is a viable solution in determining the clients’ purchase decisions.

Boosting your real estate business is all the more necessary during a pandemic. But it doesn’t have to be daunting and exhausting. All it takes is to optimize your website, increase your online visibility, publish valuable content, use social media, and provide virtual tours. With all these digital marketing solutions, you’ll kick your real estate business up a notch—even during a pandemic.

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