Choosing a Path: Five Top College Majors to Consider

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Graduating from high school and entering college are milestones in your life. But make no mistake, deciding which major to take up in college can be a struggle for some. The adage, “Do what you love,” can help point some toward what they would like to do in the future. But for the majority of high school seniors, college might be a big fat question mark.

If you’ve already made up your mind about the major you want to pursue in college, good for you! Make sure to start applying to colleges as early as possible and research the requirements needed to get into the college of your choice. This is to ensure you obtain a slot in your dream college as soon as possible.

If you’re still stuck on what course to take in the future, with no distinct passion that stands out to help point you in the right direction, then read on. Listed below are some of the top industry fields to consider going into. These fields have a proven track record of having job openings available once you graduate and a pretty good salary too.


What’s one thing all humans have in common? Yup, we all have bodies. And much like electronics or cars, our bodies sometimes tend to break down. This is one reason why job security in the medical field is pretty strong. We will all need medical treatment one day. There are a variety of jobs one can take in this field. Medical jobs can range from the prehospital setting, where you can respond to emergencies in an ambulance as a paramedic, to being one of the many people that help hospitals run. It’s not just nurses and doctors that help the medical field go round but also pharmacists, medical technologists, midwives, and radiographers, to name a few.

Electronics or Computer Science

If you’ve noticed, there has been a boom in gadgets and robotics over the past decade. From the software to the hardware, learning the ins and outs of this industry will be sure to pay you well, with IT jobs offering around $60,000 in annual income. As the business world has shifted to online platforms for managing their workload, it won’t be surprising to know that earning a degree in electronics or computer science will let you work as a programmer or developer in almost any company in the world.

Business or Economics

business colleagues

Not very interested in working a nine-to-five once you graduate college? Does being your own boss sound more appealing than having to take directions from someone else? Then you might consider getting a business or economics degree in college. The appeal of these majors is that they give you a good foundation in marketing, finance, and accounting (among others) to help you understand how to run a business. And owning a business ensures that your job security and salary lies in your hands.

Aeronautics and Aviation Technology

The aeronautical field is another industry with a plethora of job opportunities for you once you graduate. With air travel being the go-to method for people traveling domestically or internationally, people always need to run and maintain airports and flights. From pilots and flight attendants to air traffic controllers and aerospace engineers, graduating with a major related to this industry will ensure you have various interesting jobs to choose from. It helps that the salary in this industry can earn you almost $100,000 annually (depending on the job).


With the majority of the world being avid consumers of entertainment—be it from TV shows, films, and vlogs to novels, comics, and podcasts—having a degree in communications can take you to places you’ve never dreamed of. If you have a knack for writing or communicating verbally (such as through public speaking or debate), consider taking up a communications major in college.

Having a communications degree can find you job opportunities in various industries and isn’t limited to just entertainment. Industries such as business, advertising, human resources, public relations, and even the government will always need people who have the skills to share a message effectively with the public.

At the end of the day, choosing what to take in college is up to you. Take the time to assess how you would see yourself several years from now or what your life goals are to help point you in the direction most advantageous to you. Whatever path you choose, know that it won’t always be easy. But having a goal ahead of you to reach will help get you through these times.

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