How Corporate Gardens Are Becoming Popular

rooftop garden

We’re all aware of the classic office experience: the buzzing of a lamp, the humming of the air conditioner, and hands dancing on the keyboard. We’re sure that everybody’s used to this type of corporate environment. However, a corporate environment doesn’t need to be grey and sterile.

With the rise of environmentally-friendly products and technology, most companies are adopting more innovative strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and the effects of global warming. That said, most offices are transitioning towards a more environmentally friendly approach. Of course, the best place to practice different ways of caring for the environment should be outside the office’s four walls. What’s an effective way of combating pollution and emissions? Well, corporate gardens are known as a tried and tested method of having a more eco-friendly approach.

As the name suggests, corporate gardens are a cut above your usual garden in your yard. These sleeker, classier, and more captivating than any other garden out there also incorporate state-of-the-art hydroponics and technology.

Benefits of Corporate Gardens

There are many benefits to having a corporate garden. We are confident of the environmental benefits that these gardens have, but what does it give back to the business?

Here are some of the business-oriented benefits that it can provide:

Great for Team-Building Activities

Let’s face it: nobody wants to do team-building exercises in small cramped-up rooms was the air conditioning unit is blowing at high speeds. When it comes to doing physically vigorous activities, it’s best to do it with some fresh air and some lush greeneries. As such, a corporate garden can also be a function hall for different events and activities.

If you’re planning on having a garden suited for team-building activities with wide open and exciting spaces, you might want to look for a skilled landscaper that is well-versed with a corporate background and exterior designing.

Reduces Stress

Naturally, looking at natural formations, flora, and fauna, are great ways of relieving stress. When most people are staring at computer screens all day, the sight of plants can help ease eye strain.

Studies have shown that green spaces, landscapes, and other depictions of nature are a great way of reducing the stress of employees. Moreover, these types of gardens can help increase productivity.

Enhances the Company’s Image

There are hundreds of different companies around the world that are vying for control and dominance of different types of industries. However, what sets a company apart from others is its identity and image. Usually, a brand will have its vision and values that it will try to uphold, which makes it unique from the other business.

Having your bona fide employee garden is an excellent way of making a statement on what your company upholds. To the public, this is also a great way of showing them that you are genuine with your principles.

Has More Recruitment Opportunities


In the corporate environment, first impressions will always last, especially in the eyes of the public. Having the right image will ensure that new applicants and hires are attracted to your company.

Around 40% of millennials prefer to work with a company that emphasizes the virtues of self-sustainability while also being environmentally conscious. With the majority of the young workforce being comprised of Millennials, it’s good to have a corporate garden that says, “We are a company that values the environment and a self-sustaining ecosystem.” Therefore, having a culture-driven workplace can help increase the growth of the company with environmentally-aware individuals.


Corporate gardens don’t necessarily need to have crops or vegetables, but wouldn’t it be better to have practical plants and crops? Sure, flowers and other exotic looking plants on your garden might look good, but having a way of feeding employees helps ensure that they are happy, healthy, and mindful at the same time.

On average, a regular office worker will spend around $7.10 on lunch every day. For 20 days in a month, a worker will have to pay about $142 in ensuring that they have the right sustenance to work throughout the day. With that amount of money, it could be used for something else. Having a self-sustaining corporate garden can help with the daily expenditure of the employees on food. In some cases, companies will give their employees free lunch based on the yield of their gardens.

Not only will you enjoy tasty office-grown food, but they’re also healthier as you can monitor the growth of these vegetables and crops.

In terms of business, having a corporate garden can give a company an exceptional edge over its competitors. These keep employees happy in the long-term but offers a lasting impression to the public that your company is ready to transition towards a greener future.

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