How Digital Marketing Can Help Businesses Develop

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The pandemic compelled many businesses to go online after consumers started shopping online since they were wary about going out. While many businesses already had an online presence, others had to start from scratch in connecting with their customers online.

Many of these businesses struggled to build their presence online and had to rely on digital marketers to help them reach their market. A year after the pandemic started, many of these businesses already established a solid online presence.

At this point, it’s time for them to develop their business and expand their market. And they would still need to rely on different digital marketing techniques to expand their market. These techniques include content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization.

Business owners can use these techniques in performing the following for the business.

Developing the Brand

The social media pages and website give customers an idea about the business and its offers. Setting up a website or even a blog is one way for businesses to build their brand and increase their presence online. The business can use the website and social media pages to promote its products or announce the launch of a new product.

The business can also set up a blog that it can use to drive traffic to the website. The business can integrate the blog into the website or set up a standalone blog similar to Robert Vern Brazell. The blog also increases engagement among its visitors and can direct them to different pages of the website.

Using digital marketing to build a brand is much faster than traditional word-of-mouth marketing, where people talk about the brand with their friends. While the business can still use this marketing method, it should focus on digital marketing since the market is already on the internet.

Increasing the Market Reach

Digital marketing allows businesses to reach places they could not reach when they use traditional marketing methods. A strong online presence allows a business to reach beyond its borders and sell its products to other parts of the world. Businesses do not even need to have a physical store in these places. As long as logistics companies can reach these places, then the business can sell to customers in these areas.

Marketing to these places only requires the business to focus its email and social media campaigns to reach consumers in these areas. For instance, the business can fine-tune its campaign to reach customers in Singapore even if the company is located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. And it will not take a lot of time to do this.

Reach Mobile Users


A brand can also expand its reach to allow it to access different devices. Typically, businesses focus their marketing efforts on reaching PC and laptop users. But businesses should not limit themselves to people who have a computer at home or work. They should also work on reaching mobile users, particularly people who own a smartphone.

A study shows that around 85 percent of Americans own a smartphone as of February 8, 2021. This is more than double the percentage of a similar survey in 2011. With this in mind, business owners should focus on reaching this segment of the market. In addition to mobile phones, business owners should also exert efforts in reaching tablet and phablet users. These users are also a good potential for businesses looking to expand their market.

Focusing on mobile users means the business should make the website mobile-friendly so that it will look appealing for mobile users. Enhancing the website also allows these users to interact with the website and potentially making a sale.

Enhance Customer Experience

Aside from increasing the online presence of a business, digital marketing also increases engagement among the customers. It allows businesses to personalize their services to meet the needs of their customers. When businesses launch a social media campaign to promote a product, it will typically elicit comments from people who liked their social media page.

The business can also organize online quizzes or games on their social media pages to increase engagement. These quizzes and games can also focus on specific segments of their market. The business can use the answers to these quizzes as a way of knowing more about its market.

Once they have information about their audience, they can create target marketing campaigns designed for these segments in their audience. Aside from connecting with these customers, the business will know how it can enhance their experience and build loyalty among them.

Digital marketing allowed businesses to increase their online presence when the pandemic started. At this point, they can use it to reach new markets for their products.

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