Micro-Influencers Are Making a Huge Impact aid a Pandemic

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The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t killed influencer marketing. If anything, the situation has compelled brands to rely more on influencer marketing since they still have limited access to professional photographers, gorgeous models, and stunning venues to create content with high production value.

But instead of tapping celebrities and social media stars for their influencer marketing, many brands work with micro-influencers. They don’t have millions of followers, but they are effective brand ambassadors.

Who Are Micro-Influencers?

Typically, micro-influencers have between 10,000 and 50,000 followers on social media. They have a particular area of interest and high rates of engagement from their audiences. They only share content about their interests, establishing their authority in their niche while keeping their followers engaged.

Even if they are not celebrities or public figures, micro-influencers can help market a brand. Over 80% of consumers are likely to buy a product recommended by a micro-influencer. Consumers trust that micro-influencers study the product and only agree to collaborate with a brand if the product meets their values and those of their audience. That type of content gatekeeping boosts the impact of micro-influencers.

How Can You Partner with Micro-Influencers?

Compared to celebrities, micro-influencers are more affordable. They often charge less for promoting a product, but they will only partner with you if your product is in line with their interests or niche. If you’re a lender offering FHA loans, your best bet is those who talk about personal finance or real estate.

But before contacting a micro-influencer, come up with a marketing strategy plan with that person in mind. Here are some other practical tips to help you secure a partnership with effective micro-influencers:

Forget about vanity metrics

Since micro-influencers don’t have millions of followers, you should skip checking vanity metrics. Instead, ensure that the individual has built a high level of engagement with their followers. Look at the comments, shares, likes, questions, and how the micro-influencer answers or reacts to those remarks and questions.

Be personal

Micro-influencers don’t want to feel like they are merely a marketing target. Take a personal approach and show you are concerned about the value of their time. Don’t sound too sales-y;instead, make these individuals feel like they are a part of your brand’s family as they play a role in boosting your messaging.

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Offer various compensation options

Again, micro-influencers often charge less than celebrities. But unlike models or celebrities, endorsements are not a huge part of how micro-influencers make a living. Don’t assume they only want cash as compensation for their time to talk about your product on their channel or platform. It’s best practice to offer different compensation packages and let the micro-influencers pick what’s right for them.

Collaborate with multiple micro-influencers

Maximize your marketing results by partnering with an army of lookalike micro-influencers. These individuals often support each other, sharing each other’s posts and talking about similar issues. Partnering with two or more micro-influencers with a similar niche will help build a brand’s social trust.

Influencer marketing has gone beyond vanity metrics. Authenticity and relatability now matter more than popularity—and micro-influencers have become the ideal individuals to boost your messaging online.

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