Remote Work versus Office Work: Which One Is More Productive?

woman working

The public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses and industries to adapt and make drastic major changes to how they handle their businesses. Even multi-billion dollar corporations and industries have sent most of their employees home over the fear of getting infected by the virus.

Because of drastic changes in societal norms and safety regulations, most companies have chosen to migrate to a more digital scene. The main reason why most businesses have switched to “contactless” remote work is that it’s generally safer than workers having to converge in a single place, which can increase the transmission of COVID-19.

But even though most of these workers are at home, the question of whether this will affect productivity remains. Does remote work make the workforce even more productive? Or does it negatively affect productivity? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Is Remote Work Worth It?

Even right before starting the pandemic, most workers, especially those working during their times, traveling, or freelancing (not associated with any company), have been working remotely. Even though it’s only a temporary set-up, most of these remote-working employees have seen the benefits of working at home or somewhere other than the office. Studies have shown that remote workers are more productive, creative, and even more engaged than those that need to go to an office environment every day. In some cases, companies that have transitioned towards more remote work policies have experienced a higher employee retainment rate and are attracting even more new hires, especially young workers that don’t want to be held down in a single place. Most of these organizations can spend less on renting a workplace and equipment.

work at home

Overall, there are many positive benefits to remote work, and it’s no surprise that it’s on the rise in many industries that don’t rely on a present workforce. With the rise of technology, communicating with hundreds of miles away has become even more straightforward and easily achieved.

Even if you’re interacting with teammates and co-workers in a virtual environment, virtual team training platforms can facilitate and provide methodical means of training co-workers and employees to ensure the best output.

With all of these said, remote work does have a positive effect on the productivity of employees.

A Balanced Lifestyle

Although companies want their employees to have the freedom to work, some corporations would say otherwise.

Around six to seven years ago, various large conglomerates experimented on flexible work policies such as letting employees work from home. However, this was later scrapped by most of these companies. Companies like Reddit have to close down branches and offices in certain areas, which would require employees to travel or find new work. The same can be said for a multitude of tech companies.

Why? Well, most corporations believe that the office is vital towards collaboration and innovation. While working from home does have its own benefits, most companies claim employees can later-focus on tasks and create innovations when they have better access to technology and equipment.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to your persona preference. If you are more productive if you’re working from home, then you should work remotely. Some individuals are more inclined to the familiarity of the office since they’re used to it. If you’re someone that wants a bit of balance in his/her life, you can switch between working at home and office environments, especially if you have the right mobile office equipment. Still, it’s important to consult first with your company on how they handle day-to-day operations. Ultimately, what makes you feel the most productive should be your go-to working environment.

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