In the present day, we face several challenges in healthcare. From rising costs and widening gaps in coverage to misinformation and limited access to medical care, we must address these issues head-on to maintain quality healthcare for all.
One of the most critical factors in any business’s success is innovating and adapting. As such, the corporate world has long been at the forefront of new technologies and changes in society. But increasingly, it is becoming apparent that corporations have an increasingly vital role to play in solving social problems, including issues in the healthcare sector.
Below, we will explore some recent solutions which put sustainable health at the center of their focus and how they might be what we need.
Integrated Virtual Consultation
Healthcare providers can expand their reach and improve the quality of care they provide by adopting solutions for remote consultations. The use of telemedicine has grown in recent years. It now integrates several medical fields, such as dermatology and mental health.
The advantage here is increased access to medical practitioners who may not otherwise provide care. By connecting via video chat, patients can receive the care they need from a distance without traveling for hours or even days to get it.
Not only that, but by using integrated virtual consultations systems that can allow practitioners and patients to communicate directly with one another, we avoid many of the hurdles involved with more traditional consulting methods. Instead of having to call the office, make an appointment, go in for a check-up and then wait months to receive treatment if needed, patients can get the help they need on their time frame while avoiding unnecessary doctor visits.
Risk Assessment Platforms
Another solution that can help better enable access to healthcare is by focusing on the risk assessments and management of ongoing ailments. By having doctors and nurses assess risks using online platforms, they can collect information about specific cases without performing physical examinations or expensive check-ups.
For example, someone with dental problems could fill out a questionnaire and provide relevant details about their condition and lifestyle to understand better the kind of treatment they might need. By doing so, dental professionals better understand what risks specific patients face before they are requested to drop by the dentist’s office.
Eco-Friendly Tools
One of the most significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in healthcare is equipment. Hospitals can cause a considerable amount of carbon output from pill bottles to medical devices by simply running their regular operations.
An essential solution for sustainable healthcare would be reducing the energy consumption needed to support these services. One way you could do this is by using eco-friendly tools and green materials.
For example, surgeons often decide to operate on a patient using scalpels that require sterilization in high temperatures. By using laser cutters instead, hospitals could significantly reduce not only their energy consumption but overall carbon footprint as well.
Medical Waste Disposal
The second area of focus is on medical waste disposal, which can be another high cost for hospitals and other healthcare organizations. Globally, billions of pounds of medical waste are produced every year.
This waste includes the material used during examinations like gloves or paper towels and items like syringes or leftover food. When mixed, these materials can pose serious health risks to medical staff and patients if they are not handled safely.
Recycling these materials is possible, but some companies offer waste management services specifically for healthcare providers. By working with a partner firm specializing in this area, hospitals can get rid of their waste more efficiently while also limiting the risks associated with handling it.
Reduced Chemical Use

Another way to reduce the environmental impact of healthcare is by reducing chemical use. In many cases, hospitals and medical facilities use many chemicals to carry out their regular tasks.
Everything from latex gloves and wipes to cleaning materials and antiseptics can pose risks if not handled properly. That being said, many solutions can help reduce chemical use.
In some cases, having greater worker awareness is enough to reduce exposure levels. In other instances, where exposures are more dangerous, you can use safer alternatives like ethanol or hydrogen peroxide instead of harsher chemicals.
Innovation is a core part of today’s business landscape, and the healthcare sector is no exception. By working with companies that can find new ways to engage with their customers or improve their operations, healthcare providers may gain the tools they need to take on some significant challenges in the years ahead.