The Pandemic-Challenge: Taking Advantage of Consumers’ Pain Points

business planning

The coronavirus crisis gave everyone the scare of their life. Only now did humans come across something so little that already killed millions of people in less than a year. Due to the pandemic, consumer’s way of shopping, buying, and searching for products and services changed. Even their needs and preferences changed, causing a major shift in all industries. Instead of simply giving up, some business owners took the challenge and leveraged the current dilemmas.

The following are some things one can consider when improving your business mid-pandemic.

Better Online Shopping Experience

The crisis made people shelter in place and caused more online consumers to flock to the internet. The number of active online shoppers increased. But they are not only here to shop for their wants.

Most consumers these days want virtually every product they buy to be delivered right to their doorsteps. Shopping outside and exposing themselves and their loved ones to the virus is not an option. As a result, they would rather shop online and receive their orders at home.

This led more consumers to be a lot more demanding. They want an excellent shopping experience from local companies. But since not all brick-and-mortar businesses offer delivery services, brands had to find ways to bring their offers closer to homebound consumers.

Now, most businesses are boosting their online presence and are taking orders online. But having a working website and letting your clients add items to your cart is never enough. They want to be able to receive their orders fast and pay for their orders securely.

Businesses from clothing stores to supermarkets are now accepting online orders, offering numerous payment options, and are delivering their goods in a timely and safe manner. They now use reliable shipping services, including USPS postage, to pack and ship orders. They redefined the meaning of customer service and online shopping to make sure they can keep their customers and attract more clients even during the pandemic.

24/7 Customer Service

With consumers surfing the net almost any time of the day, they expect businesses to do the same. Customers want their inquiries answered promptly. This made business reevaluate their customer service.

For one, virtually all businesses now have their website, are sharing blog posts, and are listing their business online. They intend to boost their online reach through social media marketing. They also make use of numerous strategies to be there when their clients need them.

customer service

Some companies are now using chatbots to assist clients with their inquiries. Others are now outsourcing their customer service to ensure an affordable but reliable customer service no matter the time or date. Some are now offering more flexible schedules to remote workers to make sure someone is available to assist their clients.

Businesses with a Purpose

The crisis also made consumers rethink their priorities. They demand products that can boost their health and wellness. But they also want brands to have a purpose more than just earning cash.

Nowadays, consumers want businesses to be sustainable, eco-friendly, and driven by a purpose. They want businesses to reduce their waste, save the environment, and make the world a better place. Now, businesses are racking their brains to transform their brand into one with a purpose.

Some started by renovating their business spaces sustainably. Others are now sourcing, crafting, packing, and shipping their products the eco-friendly way. For some, they chose to do charity works and help the less fortunate during the crisis.

The Covid-19 crisis challenged the resilience of businesses, no matter the industry. Those who could adapt to their clients’ needs and managed to bring their business closer to their homebound consumers are now thriving. If you also want to experience the same, then there is a need to challenge yourself and offer timely solutions to today’s consumer’s pain points.

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