Transitioning from Office-Based to Fully Remote: How to Get Started

working from home

More often than not, we could be sabotaging ourselves if we do not fully understand the reality. A good example here is the public debate on mask mandates. While there are ardent supporters on both sides of the argument, one thing is certain. The highest health authority on the land has recommended the wearing of masks can minimize virus infection.

Given the existential threat that COVID-19 has posed to every human on the planet, it’s vital we properly assess the situation we are in. And adjust accordingly. Indeed, working together as one nation would bid us well. Unfortunately, as schools reopen all over America, the wearing of masks has become a sensitive issue that precipitated chaos in many learning institutions.

However, it’s important that as a business, you do what needs to be done. Certainly, that requires wisdom on your part to discern what’s best for your company. And top of that list is folding up your office and transitioning into a fully remote workforce.

The advantages, of course, are obvious. Remote work means your workers are safe from the virus. That means your operation can continue without the fear of anyone being infected. Of course, doing the actual transition is a different story altogether.

The good news is many companies have transitioned before you. Indeed, you’re not the first to decide to have your workers work from home. In this regard, learning expert ways to make that transfer happen is paramount. Here are five steps you’ll need to get started.

Inform Your Staff of Remote Guidelines

Any change is bound to be chaotic. So, you need to take charge of things and ensure the transfer runs smoothly. And all that starts with proper communications.

Though it offers a timely way to get your business going, remote work, as you may be aware by now, has its own challenges. Thus, you need to be as transparent as can be with regard to your expectations. You’ll have to figure out how you’d like things set up for each of your remote workers.

Shall they keep a regular schedule? How are you going to track their productivity? In short, before people start moving from one place to the other, hand them their remote work guidelines.

Also, it’s important you inform your patrons and future clients about your move to remote. They would understand the move given the virus. But you need not leave them hanging.

Moreover make sure they know where you can be contacted (e.g., social media, email). And if they need to send documents/pouches or whatnot, let them know where to send it. A good way to do that while you’re moving is via a postal box (PO box). Right off the bat, it’s easy to remember, accessible, and a cinch to reach. Plus, you need not bother about its upkeep as someone does that for you.

Invest in the Right Technology 

While technology is key to the smooth running of your physical office, it’s vital in remote settings. So before you move your people out, invest in the right tech to get your remote workforce going. You can agree on the apps you’re going to use (e.g., video conferencing, email, instant messaging, project management).

How about workers who don’t have a PC and internet at home? These things have to be looked into weeks before the actual transfer.

cloud system

Set-up a Virtual Recruitment Strategy

You may have a complete workforce now but given the exigencies of the pandemic, you may need to hire along the way. Plus, your operation could expand in due time.

Having a virtual hiring strategy in place, therefore, is wise. It allows you to effectively hire a new team addition virtually. And that should be taken into account. As you will not have a physical office where your applicants can waltz, a well-delineated online strategy is spot-on.

Set Up a Virtual Onboarding Process

Hiring is one thing; onboarding is another. Failing to properly onboard your recruits is one great way to lose them. A virtual training program is paramount in this regard.

By doing this, you ensure each new hire contributes to the overall productivity as he learns the ropes. Not only will he not have to grope in the dark but also he’ll be a team player in no time.

Keep Your Company Culture Up

Radiant company culture is one way to inspire workers to be diligent even while working from home. Know that working from home can pose a challenge to mental health. Unlike, working in the office, you’ll be working on your own. And as stats show, that can be traumatic for some people.

When you strive to keep your employees connected (e.g., online team building), you counter such “moments of loneliness” common to remote workers. You encourage everyone even when working remotely. In the process,  you promote greater productivity.

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