Learning About Upcoming Digital Marketing Trends


The digital landscape changed after the pandemic started, with more businesses shifting to online selling so that they can connect with their customers. As more businesses started offering their products and services online, the demand for digital marketers also went up as people worked on increasing their presence online.

Experienced digital marketers will not find it challenging to help their clients increase their visibility online. But they also need to consider upcoming trends in their industry to allow them to stay ahead of their competition. Here are some trends digital marketers should expect in the future.

Progressive Web Applications

Progressive web applications trace their roots to the announcement of the late Steve Jobs following the 2007 launch of the iPhone. But their use in the world of digital marketing only started in 2018 after companies, such as Wikipedia and Twitter, used them. These web applications allowed these companies to increase their conversion rates and reach more customers online.

Smaller businesses can now use this innovative technology. It allows them to continue promoting their brand outside of their website. The widespread use of smartphones has increased the appeal of progressive web apps since customers can access them even if they are not in front of their computers.

For instance, a small business can create video promotions that its potential customers can view using a phone video player. This will allow even small businesses to reach potential customers and convert them into buying customers. While this technology in digital marketing is relatively new, digital marketers who can adopt it into their strategy can stay one step ahead of their competition.

Drone Applications

People currently use drones to observe and take pictures or videos of large areas of land. The military uses larger models of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)for reconnaissance and hitting targets remotely. But drones have a huge potential when it comes to marketing.

Currently, the airspace for drones is limited. But the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) is reviewing its rules on the use of drones in US airspace. Once the FAA opens up the airspace for drones, people will see them used for food and package deliveries. Their use for security and surveillance purposes will also increase.

In terms of marketing, Genesis Motors recently flew more than 3,000 drones over Shanghai to mark its launch in the world’s most populous city. This demonstrates the potential of drone technology in the realm of marketing.


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used in many sectors in society, including e-commerce, healthcare, gaming, and robotics. It is also used in digital marketing due to its ability to analyze demographic and behavioral data more efficiently compared to humans.

AI can also enhance user experience, which allows businesses to increase their conversion rate. The technology takes into account different factors, including historical data, location, and past customer behavior. One example of this is when Amazon shares relevant products with its customers.

Additionally, AI can also optimize the email marketing efforts of businesses. It can personalize email campaigns depending on the needs of the business. AI can also create relevant emails to get better results for their campaigns.


Together with AI, chatbots can engage customers and answer their concerns 24/7. They also save time for business owners since they do not need to stay on their computers all day answering inquiries of potential customers.

The flexible interface also makes it easy to adapt the technology for different industries. It is also affordable, which makes it a good digital marketing tool for small businesses. Businesses can even use the technology to gather data that AI can analyze and use for other marketing efforts.

If used properly, chatbots can allow businesses to deal with the concerns of their customers. It also allows businesses to promote their products and services to potential customers in the market.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is similar to virtual reality (VR) in how both technologies project a digital version of the world. But virtual reality brings users to a different world altogether. On the other hand, augmented reality does not replace what users see in front of them. Instead, it adds to the reality they are seeing.

When it comes to digital marketing, augmented reality allows customers to test the products before they buy them. For instance, customers can check themselves wearing the clothes they are eyeing even without wearing them.

AR also allows businesses to enhance their branding materials to catch the attention of customers. For instance, users can scan promotional materials to access more features digitally.

With the increasing number of businesses going online, digital marketers should be aware and use upcoming developments in their industry.

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