A Home Business’s Guide to Planning Permissions and Building Regulations

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There is an estimate of 15 million small businesses identified as home-based enterprises. With this information, you can say that working from home is a common path that business-minded people take. Although, before everything can be settled, homeowners who aspire to establish a home business will need to meet specific requirements and considerations. State planning laws need to be followed whenever a business will be located on a residential property. This is important since planning permissions allow business owners to execute the development of a property while building regulations ensure the safety and stability of the building’s structure and layout.

When to apply for planning permission

There are a few things to consider when deciding to apply for planning permission. One of the factors that need to be considered is if the home to be used will no longer be used as a private residence. You will need planning permission for homeowners who will decide to transform their private property into an establishment solely for business.

The business owner is highly advised to assess whether business operations and activities will cause a rise in parking or traffic. Moreover, business activities that are not meant for a residential environment may cause a nuisance to the neighbors, significantly when business hours will extend past midnight or when a business will emit sounds and smells that can be a nuisance to the residents living nearby. Since the property is situated in a residential area, potential problems with the neighbors will more likely come to light in the future.

Lastly, it is best to apply for planning permission when there are significant changes in the building structure. Extending or modifying the existing structure will require legal documents and paperwork since the local council’s decisions will be based on government policies and guidance. Write an application and address it to the local council. This application must include the necessary information about your business. For instance, give out essential information such as the nature of the business. Don’t forget to include an outline of the plans for the site and the layout of the property.

residential properties

Building regulations for home-based businesses

Making structural changes to a residential property includes building regulations enforced by local councils in the area. In most cases, you will also need building regulation approval after obtaining planning permission. You should strictly observe the standards of revamping and reconstructing a home building to preserve the health and safety of the people going in and out of the building. This includes the building’s structure, sound insulation, ventilation, drainage, electrical safety, and fire safety. An example of these fire safety measures would be the proper positioning of fire escapes. It is essential to check in with the local councils regarding fire precautions for a building. That is why you will need a thorough inspection to acquire a permit from the local fire department.

Other than that, the efficient use of energy in buildings will also need to be inspected. Individuals with disabilities also need to be prioritized. Because of this, it is essential to assess the accessibility and amount of potential hazards present in the property.

For example, residential properties will more likely have a garage. One of the risks that you can encounter will be the garage door. Garage door issues can be a hazard, especially for children and persons with disabilities. Find and contact local garage door services for residents to ensure the safety of every individual in the building. Building work that you will accomplish must follow the building regulations present. Business owners will be held accountable once complications in the future will arise. That is why understanding and complying with the building regulations can eradicate potential hazards and accidents.

For more information, building regulations cover 14 areas that range from site preparation to electrical safety guidelines. It is best to familiarize and understand these regulations to avoid penalties and issues in the future as the property owner. For further assistance, contact local building control officers to be more accustomed to the current building regulations in a specific area.

Seek professional help

All in all, planning permissions and building regulations are crucial aspects to consider when switching to a home-based business. To avoid misunderstandings and issues in the process, it is wise to contact building control and planning personnel to validate and confirm decisions that need to be made. Discuss proposals before sending in applications. Through their help, connecting with the necessary agencies and authorities to be involved in the process will be easier. Moreover, the failure to acquire planning permission can lead to nullifying current or future building work. This will cost a large amount of money and time that can negatively affect the standing of a business.

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