Meeting Customer Needs Through Surveys


Satisfying customers is the core of any business, and their feedback is an invaluable asset. Companies want to know if they met their customers’ demands and expectations. Such feedback also gives them an important insight on how to improve either their products or services. So without customer feedback, a business may not grow.

Using different survey tools or programs for research is the best way to gain valuable customer insight. Surveys are effective because these can help businesses understand and serve their customers better. Meeting the customers’ needs and responding to their feedback helps build customer confidence while increasing business revenues.

For start-ups and small business owners, here are some recommendations on how to leverage customer surveys.

Pick the Best Platform

Before, surveys were only conducted over the phone or during person-to-person interviews. Today, surveys are accessible online to cater to more customers. You can also combine different survey methods. Calling customers while they’re answering an online survey, for instance, is an effective method to get prompt, comprehensive responses.

It’s up to you on what platform you want to use. But it’s best to pick a platform based on your customers’ demographics. Find out whether your customers find it more convenient to answer a survey form online or receive a phone call.

Keep Surveys Short

If business owners treat time as an important commodity, so does their customers. Customers dislike wordy forms, which will take most of their time. Keep surveys short and direct to the point. It helps if there is a short email or explanation to encourage customers to answer it.

Asking permission is also vital as it’s a form of respect. Let customers know their feedback is important, and thank them for their time. Offering them a reward, such as a discount coupon, will encourage them to participate.

Use Entertaining Tests for Lead Generation

Apart from using online survey forms, quizzes or tests are also good ways to generate customer feedback. Most companies have already built a customer database, and they can use this to create personalized tests. These quizzes will be based on a customer’s personality and online behavior. Since customers consider these as fun activities, they’ll be willing enough to answer them. Quiz-like surveys also help introduce new products and services to customers.

Make Use of Social Media as a Survey Platform

Online Survey

Social media isn’t just for personal socialization. But it’s also an effective platform to market products and services. Half of the world’s population has a social media account and are actively using it. Given the number of people active online, posting links to surveys on social media is an effective way to gain customer insights.

But you need to identify social media platforms used by your target audience. Then, post an engaging question or graphic with a link to the survey on that platform. As long as the post is interesting enough to gain their attention, people will click and check it out. Social media is the best place to engage customers and entice potential ones.

The goal of surveys is to listen to what customers have to say. How you treat customer feedback can either drive your venture to success or financial ruin. Customer retention should always be the top priority. And keep in mind that satisfied customers often turn into brand-loyal customers.

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