May 2020

couple talking to a professional

These Three Practices Will Help You Achieve Financial Stability in a Shorter Time

Every generation goes through its growing pains before achieving success and maturity. On a personal level, each of us takes a similar journey; we exert a lot of effort at work while learning the ropes of financial management not only to stay afloat but also to accrue some wealth in the long term. Here are

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Balancing the Books: Pointers for Small Business Owners

Many people know on some level that accounting is incredibly important, regardless of the size of the business. But for small business owners, basic accounting often takes a backseat to more pressing concerns like dealing with customers and day-to-day management. One risks crippling their business if accounting is treated as an afterthought If you keep

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foreclosure house for sale

How to Postpone or Stop Foreclosure on Your Home

Going into foreclosure can be incredibly stressful, but thankfully, there are some ways to help you get a hold of your situation. Getting slapped with a Notice of Delinquency doesn’t immediately mean you’ll lose ownership of your home. If you’re facing the possibility of foreclosure, here are some recommended strategies to at least postpone or

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jewelry collection

Collect This! Unique Collections You Don’t See Every Day

People start collections out of interest, curiosity, or even obsession, and most people find nothing wrong with collecting unique and rare things. Some buy stamps when they travel, and some coin collectors even buy gold coins from dealers and mints. But some collections go beyond stamps, coffee mugs, or even coins. The following collections are not common, and

Collect This! Unique Collections You Don’t See Every Day Read More »

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