October 2021

business meeting

Brick and Mortar: Seven Businesses That Thrive amid the Pandemic

The pandemic has disrupted businesses of all sizes, whether big or small. Last year was quite difficult as some companies were forced to shut down. While some went on a temporary closure, others had a permanent one. This year, many businesses have started to reopen. A year after the COVID-19 outbreak, it’s clear to see what

Brick and Mortar: Seven Businesses That Thrive amid the Pandemic Read More »


Millennial Entrepreneurs: What Makes Millepreneurs Different?

A new breed of entrepreneurs is here, courtesy of the millennial generation. Millepreneurs, as some people call them, are young aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start their journey towards financial freedom early on. But what makes them different from other generations of entrepreneurs who have undeniably more experience and funds? Why Many Millennials Are Struggling

Millennial Entrepreneurs: What Makes Millepreneurs Different? Read More »

young entrepreneur

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Protecting Assets and Dealing With Liabilities

Most people work an entire lifetime only to retire after the late fifties or sixties. Assuming you do not have a lottery to bank upon, working hard is necessary to retire comfortably. That is what most people do. In this process, you might assemble many assets and have to deal with several liabilities. It would

An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Protecting Assets and Dealing With Liabilities Read More »

Effective Technologies and Strategies for Businesses

If you consider yourself an efficient employee, you should always be open to using new tech innovations. Tech applications allow companies to adopt more efficient policies and methods in accomplishing tasks. Efficiency is an important aspect of maintaining an effective workflow. This will allow businesses to produce more by maximizing the time and resources available.

Effective Technologies and Strategies for Businesses Read More »

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